BASEMINT COMEDY • Stand Up in English • Every Sunday!

Mint Bar. Paseo Isabel II, 4 (08003) - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Mint Bar
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BaseMint Comedy comes back at MINT BAR with a killing show including the best comedians in town! Come to see comedians trying jokes for the first time and improving their sets, it's gonna be a lot of FUN!



• Every Sunday
• Doors open @20:00h
• Show starts @20:30h
• Duration of show: 80 mins (+ break)
• Urquinaona (L1-L4) or Jaume I (L4)

We have plenty of space to keep social distance and make you feel comfortable.

The show will be held entirely in English

Come, laugh & have fun with us in a safe place #culturasegura #safeculture

Sarbide politika

Recommended for ages ≥ 18 y/o

Smoking is forbidden inside our bar, but it's permitted in our terrace.




Top English Comedy in Barcelona
Top English Comedy in Barcelona, International comedians & crowd
A.C.H 2023/01/29 egunean joan zen
Great event!
The event was very nice and the comediants quite funny. It would have been nice if every comedian would have had some more time to perform so that each one could have spoken longer about a topic. Thanks for the great event!
Verónica 2022/12/4 egunean joan zen
I like
Harry Potter Jokes
Gilderoy Lockhart 2022/12/11 egunean joan zen
Amazing line up
Amazing line up
Alejandro 2022/12/4 egunean joan zen
Good evening
It was my first time and I really enjoyed it and definitely will repeat soon again! Good organization!
Robinson 2022/11/20 egunean joan zen
Good to hear Robinson! Thanks :)
Mint Bar 2022/11/27
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