Serpiente Negra presenta: Bad Bangs
2024/09/29 19:00
Event s unnamed  14

Serpiente Negra presenta: Bad Bangs

Antolatzailea: Serpiente Negra

Sala Planta Baja. Calle Horno de Abad 11 Mapa ikusi Sala Planta Baja. Calle Horno de Abad 11 2024/09/29 19:00

Aukeratu zure sarrerakZure sarrerak erosi

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10,00 €
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Gertaeraren xehetasuna

Melbourne's Bad Bangs play a garage-rock fusion with punk, country and psych influences, set to release their dynamic LP 'Out Of Character' via Blossom Rot Records on May 17th 

Live tracking with the masterful Paul Maybury (Cash Savage & The Last Drinks, The Murlocs) captures the bands enigmatic live energy, whilst mastering by Jim Diamond (Ghetto Recorders, The White Stripes, The Dirtbombs).

Somewhere between punk and country, folk and psych, Melbourne’s Bad Bangs sound like the band you wanna be in: delectable, bright garage-rock that unabashedly toes the line between sophistication and total chaos.

Bad Bangs have supported a high caliber of contemporaries over the years such as Shannon and The Clams, The Murlocs and Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever & have played some of the most important alternative festivals in Australia.

» "(...) really powerful and just captivating" Beat In My Bones

» "(...) bright garage-rock that unabashedly toes the line between sophistication and total chaos" Triple J

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