Typical Adult Behavior

The Comedy Clubhouse. Carrer dels Canvis Nous, 10 - Mapa ikusi
Data desberdinak -

Zure sarrerak erosi

Online salmenta itxita.

Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.

Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

Barcelona's newest improv comedy show! Come see an action packed hour of silly characters, dramatic moments, and wacky shenanigans!

Every Wednesday

Doors: 8:30pm

Show: 8:45pm

Tickets: 5 euros

-*- Want to become a member of the Comedy Clubhouse? Check out our Patreon to learn more and join! -*-

Sarbide politika

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



Muy entretenido
Una experiencia muy divertida de improvisación con actrices y actores que seguro te harán reír, en un ambiente acogedor y sociable.
Alicia 2022/06/29 egunean joan zen
I was in tears!
Great games, actors were amazing. How can they do it when everything can be so random amazes me. Many great and hilarious moments
R. 2022/06/1 egunean joan zen
Good job guys ;)
Jevgenij 2022/05/11 egunean joan zen
Thank you for coming! We hope to see you again.
Asociacio The Comedy Clubhouse 2022/05/18
Lot of fun!
Guys are really good in comedy improvising :)
Ksenia 2022/05/11 egunean joan zen
Thank you, all it took was years of practice ;-)
Asociacio The Comedy Clubhouse 2022/05/18
Fun Improv Show in Barcelona
We've come to Typical Adult Behavior a couple of times and we've had a great time. Very talented, diverse cast. We'll continue to go on Wednesday evenings.
Raul 2022/04/27 egunean joan zen
Thank you, Raul! So happy to have you there.
Asociacio The Comedy Clubhouse 2022/05/11
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